Все словари для ABBYY Lingvo®


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The Encyclopedia of Saints by Rosemary Ellen Guiley (Eng-Eng) en-en_Enc_Saints_1_0.zip 1 416 586
The Encyclopedia of Stanley Kubrick by Gene D. Phillips and Rodney Hill (Eng-Eng) en-en_StanleyKubrick_1_0.zip 1 590 549
The Endangered English Dictionary by David Grambs (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_BodaciousWords_1_0.zip 117 188
The Glossary of Dune Universe (Eng-Eng) Dune.zip 483 208
The HarperCollins Bible Dictionary (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_HarperCollinsBibleD… 4 831 683
The Highly Selective Dictionary for the Extraordinarily Literate (Eng-Eng) En-En-The_Highly_Selective_… 66 003
The Highly Selective Dictionary of Golden Adjectives for the Extraordinarily Literate (Eng-Eng) En-En-The_Highly_Selective_… 114 118
The Historical Dictionary of the American Theater by James Fisher (Eng-Eng) en-en_am_theatre_1_0.zip 1 259 974
The Hutchinson Dictionary of Difficult Words (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_HutchDifficWords_1_… 505 967
The Hutchinson Dictionary of Word Origins (Eng-Eng) en-en_HutchinsonWordOrigin_… 84 199
The Hutchinson Illustrated Encyclopedia of British History (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_HutchinsonBritishHi… 21 084 396
The Kant Dictionary by Lucas Thorpe (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_KantDictionary_1_0.zip 456 728
The King James Bible: The Oxford Standard Text (1769) (Eng-Eng) en-en_Bible.KJV.1.rar 2 855 138
The LTP dictionary of selected collocations (Eng-Eng) LTP_Collocations_v1.rar 203 172
The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary (Eng-Eng) en-en_MakingCanada_1_0.zip 1 407 206
The Marketing Dictionary for the 21st Century by Robert W. Bly (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_MarketingDictionary… 889 552
The new biographical dictionary of film by David Thomson (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_BiographicalDiction… 2 541 360
The New Dictionary of Thoughts (Eng-Eng) En-En-The_New_Dictionary_of… 708 398
The New Pauly (Eng-Eng) paulyENG.DSL 74 834 964
The New Pauly. Supplements (Eng-Eng) paulySUPPL.dsl 14 901 972
The Nuttall Encyclopaedia, Edited by Rev. James Wood (ed.1907) (Eng-Eng) en-en_NuttallEncyclopedia19… 4 708 193
The Occult Glossary by G. de Purucker (Eng-Eng) en-en_OccultGloss_1_0.zip 323 312
The Onomasticon of Eusebius Pamphili (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_Onomastikon-Eusebiu… 229 722
The Oxford Companion to Beer (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_CompanionBeer_1_0GD… 1 501 316
The Oxford Companion To English Literature (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_OxfCompEngLiteratur… 2 922 217
The Oxford Companion to Twentieth-Century Poetry in English (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_20thCenturyEnglishP… 2 615 926
The Oxford Companion to Wine / Edited by Jancis Robinson (4th ed.) (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_OxfordCompanionWine… 5 732 889
The Oxford Dictionary of Art by Ian Chilvers, Harold Osborne, and Denis Farr (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_OxfordDictionaryOfA… 1 313 076
The Oxford Dictionary of Dance by Debra Craine and Judith Mackrell (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_OxfordDicDance_1_0.zip 2 132 488
The Oxford Dictionary of Late Antiquity (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_LateAntiquity_1_0-G… 3 914 849
The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy / Simon Blackburn (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_OxfPhilosophy_1_0-G… 643 953
The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy 2003 (Eng-Eng) OxfordPhilosophy2003EnEn_1_… 409 668
The Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs (Eng-Eng) En-En_Oxford Dictionary of … 553 489
The Palgrave Literary Dictionary of Chaucer. Compiled by Malcolm Andrew (Eng-Eng) en-en_GeoffreyChaucer_1_0.zip 637 434
The Peoples of the Caribbean. An Encyclopedia by Nicholas J. Saunders (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_CarribeanPeoples_1_… 1 141 594
The Pianist’s Dictionary by Maurice Hinson and Wesley Roberts / 2ed. (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_Pianists-Dictionary… 225 468
The Quick Visual Verb Guide - English4Today (Eng-Eng) The Quick Visual Verb Guide… 0
The Quran. Translated to English by Talal Itani (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_Quran. Talal Itani … 531 836
The Robert Burns Encyclopedia (3rd ed., 1980), by Maurice Lindsay (Eng-Eng) en-en_RobertBurns_1_0.zip 1 305 324
The Routledge Dictionary of Literary Terms (Eng-Eng) The Routledge Dictionary of… 187 237
The Routledge Dictionary of Pronunciation (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_RoutledgePronunciat… 1 512 777
The Sailor's Word-Book, by William Henry Smyth (ed. 1867) (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_SailorWords1867_v1_… 834 085
The Septic's Companion: A British Slang Dictionary by Chris Rae (Eng-Eng) en-en_SepticsDic_1_0.zip 213 402
The Ultimate Business Dictionary (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_UltimateBusiness_1_… 2 067 081
The Writer's Dictionary Of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror And Mythology by Jeff Colburn (Eng-Eng) en-en_SciFiMyth_1_0.zip 453 132
The Writer's Digest Flip Dictionary (Eng-Eng) Flip Dictionary.zip 1 696 181
The wrong word dictionary (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_TheWrongWord_1_0-GD… 142 523
Thesaurus of Slang by Esther Lewin and Albert E. Lewin (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_SlangThesaurus_1_0.zip 892 334
Topics for reading (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_Topics for reading_… 467 061
Transcription (Eng-Eng) en-en_eng-transcr_0107_xdxf… 249 003

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