Все словари для ABBYY Lingvo®


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Short World of Warcraft Dictionary (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_Short_WoW_Dictionar… 4 707
Shorter Oxford English Dictionary (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_soed5ed_v0_4_dsl.rar 13 993 071
Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, Sixth Edition (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_SOED6th_falb_1.0.zip 44 258 909
Shorter Wiktionary (Eng-Eng) En-En-Shorter_Wiktionary_1_… 22 584 651
SIL Word list (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_SIL Word list_shrek… 872 589
Slang Dictionary (Eng-Eng) peevish.rar 109 401
Soule's Dictionary of English Synonyms (Eng-Eng) soulesynonyms-src.rar 755 542
Soule's Dictionary of Synonyms (Eng-Eng) soule.zip 1 384 542
Source Slang Dictionary (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_thesourceslangdicti… 41 470
StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places (Eng-Eng) en-en_stardict-dictd-gazett… 2 230 357
Statistics word list (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_Statistics word lis… 403 810
Stedman's Electronic Medical Dictionary (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_StedmanMed_1_1-GD.zip 5 247 247
Superlatives (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_Superlatives_shreke… 95 407
Surname Database (Eng-Eng) en-en_SurnameDB_Viarmx86_V1… 14 478 652
Swearing (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_Swearing_shrekello.rar 21 623
Syllables (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_Syllables_Dei_1_1.zip 7 108 070
Synonyms dictionary • BI (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_Synonyms-BI_1_0.zip 3 145 483
Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_TaberMedical_1_1-GD… 3 607 762
Technical word list (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_Technical word list… 60 547
Telecommunications dictionary • JD (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_Telecom-JD_1_0.zip 124 153
The 800 Most Commonly Used Idioms in America - PronunciationWorkshop (Eng-Eng) En-En_PW800I_PPCC_V0_1_DSL_… 48 532
The Academic Collocation List (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_Academic Collocatio… 322 098
The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_AMA-BusinessManagem… 313 126
The American Church Dictionary and Cyclopedia By William James Miller (Eng-Eng) en-en_AmChurch1901_1_0.zip 494 901
The American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms / 2nd ed. (Eng-Eng) The_American_Heritage_Dicti… 861 235
The Anime Encyclopedia by Jonathan Clements & Helen McCarthy / Third edition (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_AnimeEncyclopedia_1… 2 864 350
The Arthurian Companion by Phyllis Ann Karr (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_ArthurianCompanion_… 3 111 010
The Baudrillard Dictionary by Richard G. Smith (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_Baudrillard_1_0.zip 620 322
The Beethoven Encyclopedia by Paul Nettl (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_LvBeethoven_v1_0.zip 393 675
The Book of Common Prayer (1662) (Eng-Eng) en-en_Book_of_Common_Prayer… 501 017
The Book of Saints (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_CatholicSaints_1_0-… 735 333
The Browser’s Dictionary of Foreign Words and Phrases by Mary Varchaver and Frank Ledlie Moore (Eng-Eng) en-en_foreign_words_1_0.zip 457 478
The CIA World Factbook 2014 (Eng-Eng) en-en_cia_world_factbook_20… 7 022 463
The Collins Cobuild School Dictionary of American English (Eng-Eng) En-En_CCSDAE_v_0_8_LSD_x5_r… 2 686 049
The Complete Guide to Middle-earth by Robert Foster (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_MiddleEarthGuide_1_… 416 833
The Concise Dictionary of Scottish Words and Phrases (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_ScottishWords_1_1-G… 54 335
The Concise Oxford Companion to Irish Literature by Robert Welch (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_COC_IrishLiterature… 1 422 971
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology by Timothy Darvill (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_COD_Archaelogy_1_1-… 852 569
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art and Artists by Ian Chilvers (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_COD_ArtArtists_1_0-… 1 042 925
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms by Michael Clarke and Deborah Clarke (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_COD_ArtTerms_1_0GD.zip 303 097
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Opera by John Warrack and Ewan West (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_COD_Opera_1_0.zip 2 600 617
The concise Routledge encyclopedia of the documentary film / ed. by Ian Aitken (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_DocumentaryFilms_1_… 4 229 145
The Deleuze Dictionary. Revised Edition / Edited by Adrian Parr (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_GillesDeleuze_1_0.zip 755 806
The Descartes Dictionary by Kurt Smith (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_DescartesDictionary… 333 760
The Devil's Dictionary by Ambrose Bierce (Eng-Eng) en_en_The_Devil's_Dictionar… 158 080
The Dictionary of Informal, Colloquial, Slang and Idiomatic Phrases in Spoken English (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_InformColloq_v1_0.zip 361 547
The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows (Eng-Eng) The_Dictionary_of_Obscure_S… 151 818
The Dictionary of the Continental Op (Eng-Eng) The Dictionary of the Conti… 45 909
The Encyclopedia of Ancient History (Eng-Eng) EN-EN Ancient History.rar 8 815 663
The Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology by Rosemary Ellen Guiley (Eng-Eng) en-en_Demonology_1_0.zip 1 238 558

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