Все словари для ABBYY Lingvo®


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Holman Bible Dictionary (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_HolmanBibleDictiona… 2 561 346
Horse Glossary (Eng-Eng) horse_eng.zip 44 268
How Not To Say What You Mean: A Dictionary of Euphemisms by R. W. Holder (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_HoldEuphemisms_1_1-… 827 376
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_HydrauliciansInEuro… 34 670 995
Hydraulicians in USA 1800–2000 (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_HydrauliciansInUSA_… 57 498 994
Hydraulics synonyms (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_hydraulics_synonyms… 37 344
Hydrographic Dictionary (Eng-Eng) en-en_Hydrographic_1_0.zip 702 539
IdiomConnection.com (Eng-Eng) ReNew_eng-eng_IdiomConnecti… 1 093 492
IdiomSite.com (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_IdiomSite.com_shrek… 21 633
Illustrated Bible Dictionary (Eng-Eng) easton.zip 1 112 229
Illustrated Dictionary of Jewelry (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_JewelsGlossary_1_0.zip 3 002 347
Imitative Verbs (Eng-Eng) en-en_imitative_verbs_il_v1… 22 572
Index of Catholic Encyclopedia (Eng-Eng) en-en_catholicencyclopedia-… 386 883
Indian English Dictionary (Eng-Eng) indian_en_slang_di_1_0.rar 65 204
Insurance Dictionary (by Silver Lake Publ.) (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_Insurance-SilverLak… 592 225
International Business Glossary and Acronyms (Eng-Eng) en-en_interbusiness_1_0.zip 485 148
International Financial Encyclopaedia (Eng-Eng) en-en_InterFinances_1_0.zip 468 676
International Glossary Of Biochemistry, Construction, Energy & Power Engineering by Victor Bishop (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_Biochemistry_1_0.zip 684 585
Internet Picture Dictionary (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_pictures_zg_v1_0.ds… 1 161 198
Inventors, Inventions (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_Inventors, Inventio… 24 668
Islamic Philosophy A–Z by Peter S. Groff with Oliver Leaman (Eng-Eng) en-en_Islamic_Philosophy_1_… 374 927
IT Glossary of Terms, Acronyms, & Abbreviations by Faulkner Information Services (Eng-Eng) en-en_FIS_Informatics_1_0.zip 533 129
J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth glossary by MueRTe (Eng-Eng) en-en_JRR_MiddleEarth_1_0.zip 903 855
J.R.R.Tolkien's Uncommon words (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_J.R.R.Tolkien's Unc… 27 111
Jablonski's Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_jablonsky.rar 1 305 179
Jamaican Slang Glossary (Eng-Eng) en_jamaicaslang.zip 38 927
Johnson’s Dictionary / An Anthology (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_EnglishJohnson_1_0-… 919 104
Kabuki Glossary (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_KabukiGlossary_1_0.zip 465 027
Kernerman Advanced English Dictionary (Eng-Eng) en-en_KAED_as_1_0.zip 5 051 078
Knuth's word list (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_Knuth's word list_s… 979 409
Languages of the World (Eng-Eng) eng_eng_lang_di_1_0.rar 327 432
Large word list (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_Large word list_shr… 16 737 500
Latin Abbreviations (Lat-Eng) latin_abbreviations_eng.zip 8 519
Latin phrases commonly used in English writing (Lat-Eng) latin_phrases_eng.zip 12 891
Law Dictionary (Eng-Eng) en-en_Dic_Law_1_0.zip 999 019
Law Dictionary JD (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_Law-JD_1_0-GD.zip 360 385
Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology (Eng-Eng) en-en_Karst_Lexicon_1_0.zip 478 532
Lexicon of Wild West (Eng-Eng) en_wild_west_lex_1_0.zip 252 841
Lingvo colours (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_Lingvo colours_shre… 9 483
Linux Dictionary 0.16 by Binh Nguyen (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_LinuxDic_1_0-GD.zip 1 598 787
Literary Glossary (Eng-Eng) literary_terms.rar 34 944
Little Encyclopaedia Of Phonetics by Peter Roach (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_Phonetics-Roach_1_0… 98 919
Liturgical terms for music students: a dictionary. Compiled by Dom Anselm Hughes (Eng-Eng) eng-eng_LiturgicalTerms_1_0… 154 281
Locksmith Dictionary (Eng-Eng) en-en_Locksmith_1_0.zip 283 459
LOEB Classical Library (Eng-Eng) loeb.rar 221 247 049
Longman Business English Dictionary, 2nd Edition (Eng-Eng) en-en_longman_business_dict… 1 648 047
Longman Collocations Dictionary and Thesaurus (Eng-Eng) en-en_LCDT_as_1_0.zip 4 295 774
Longman Dictionary of Common Errors (Eng-Eng) en-en-longmancommonerrors.0… 232 221
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (3rd Edition) (Eng-Eng) ldoce.rar 2 493 467
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (4th Edition) (Eng-Eng) en-en_longman dce 4th.ed.rar 6 390 237

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