Все словари для ABBYY Lingvo®


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Arabic - Hebrew dictionary • PHS (Ara-Heb) ara-heb_Arabic-PHS_1_0.zip 2 195 358
Aramaic-Hebrew Dictionary by Ezra Melamed (Arc-Heb) melamed.dsl 3 293 702
Babylon English-Hebrew Dictionary (Eng-Heb) Eng-Heb_Babylon_Viarmx86_V1… 12 861 354
Babylon Hebrew Thesaurus (Heb-Heb) heb-heb_babylon_thesaurus_w… 1 763 352
Babylon Hebrew-English Dictionary (Heb-Eng) heb_eng_babylon_we_1_02_dsl… 1 089 765
Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon Project (Syc-Heb-Eng) cal ver2.dsl 63 447 929
Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary of the Hebrew by Ernest Klein (Heb-Eng) heb-eng_EtymoHebrew_v1_0.zip 1 834 699
Dictionary of Targumim, Talmud and Midrashic Literature (Heb-Eng) jastrow.dsl 31 034 348
Dictionnaire Classique Hébreu-Français (Heb-Fra) heb-fra_Hebreu-Feyerabend_1… 142 752
English - Hebrew dictionary • CPE (Eng-Heb) eng-heb_Hebrew-CPE_1_0.zip 544 657
Frumspeak: The First Dictionary of Yeshivish (Heb-Yid-Eng) frumspeak.dsl 264 658
Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament (Heb-Eng) heb-eng_HALOT_2_2.zip 4 348 633
Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon by F.W. Gesenius (Heb-Eng) heb-eng_ChaldeeLexixon_v1_0… 1 965 459
Hebrew frequency (Transliteration as Headwords) (Heb-Eng) heb-eng_Frequency10000tr_1_… 256 614
Hebrew frequency list (Heb-Eng) heb-eng_Frequency_1_0.zip 649 380
Hebrew-Russian Dictionary (Heb-Rus). Russian-Hebrew Dictionary (Rus-Heb) hebrew9.zip 3 921 369
Hebrew/Aramaic Index to the Septuagint (Heb-Grc) HEB-LXX INDEX.dsl 1 898 286
Jerzy Kazojć. Otwarty słownik polsko-hebrajski (Pol-Heb) pol-heb__Kazojc_1_0.zip 214 509
Midbar Kedemot (Heb-Heb) heb-heb_MidbarKedemot_1_0.zip 173 072
Sefer HeArukh ♦ ספר הערוך (Heb-Heb) heb-heb_SeferHeArukh_1_0.zip 1 247 697
Sokoloff A. Dictionary of Jewish Palestinian Aramaic (Heb-Eng) sokoloff.dsl 13 376 468
The Targums from the Files of the Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon Project (Heb-Eng) CAL.dsl 3 427 832
Vicon English-Hebrew Dictionary (Eng-Heb) Eng-Heb_Vicon_Viarmx86_V1_0… 8 338 270
Еврейский лексикон Стронга (Heb-Rus) heb_rus_strong_ap_1_0_dsl.zip 213 086
Еврейско (джуури)-русский словарь (Jdt-Rus) jdt_rus_dict_tm_v01.rar 1 813 470
Иврит-русский словарь IRIS (Heb-Rus). Русско-ивритский словарь IRIS (Rus-Heb) heb-rus-heb_iris_an_v1_0_ds… 5 562 145
Общесемитский корневой словарь (Heb-Rus) heb-rus_Niran_full_Lingvo_F… 2 238 338
Учебный иврит-русский словарь спряжений (Heb-Rus) heb-rus_Pealim_1_0-GD.zip 248 271
ספר השרשים • Sefer HaShorashim (Heb-Heb) heb-heb_SeferHaShorashim_1_… 1 385 614

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