Название | Имя файла | Размер |
Abbreviations dictionary (Tha-Tha) |
tha-tha_Abbrev_1_0-GD.zip |
43 037
Arabic - Thai dictionary • PHS (Ara-Tha) |
ara-tha_Thai-PHS_1_0.zip |
2 367 704
Chinese-Thai dictionary (Zho-Tha) |
Dict2UZhTh.lsd |
1 496 477
Deutsch - Thai Woerterbuch (Deu-Tha) |
DeutshThai_1_0.rar |
215 442
Dictionnaire DicoThai Français-Thaï par Charles Degnau (Fra-Tha) |
fra-tha_DicoThai_1_0-GD.zip |
583 544
Dictionnaire DicoThai Thaï-Français par Charles Degnau (Tha-Fra) |
tha-fra_DicoThai_1_0-GD.zip |
252 699
Dictionnaire Volubilis Thaï-Français v. 6.2 (Tha-Fra) |
VolubilisThFr.lsd |
4 410 028
Eci English-Thai Dictionary (Eng-Tha) |
eng_tha_eci_du_v01.rar |
1 409 881
English - Japanese - Thai Dictionary (Eng-Jpn-Tha) |
eng-jpn-tha_Thai_1_0-GD.zip |
92 577
English - Thai - Burmese dictionary • SAA (Eng-Tha-Mya) |
eng-tha-mya_Burmese-SAA_1_0… |
374 279
English -Thai Nontri dictionary (Eng-Tha) |
NontriEnTh.lsd |
832 819
English Thai Dictionary JD (Eng-Tha) |
eng-tha_Thai-JD_1_0.zip |
2 869 140
English to Thai dictionary • PHS (Eng-Tha) |
eng-tha_Thai-PHS_1_0.zip |
592 655
English-Thai Dictionary of the names of plants, flowers, trees and herbs (Eng-Thai) |
PlantsEnTh.lsd |
89 761
English-Thai LEXiTRON™ dictionary v. 2 (Eng-Tha) |
LexitronEnTh.lsd |
4 875 209
English-Thai Quick Reference Dictionary (Eng-Tha) |
eng_tha_quick_reference_du_… |
596 828
English-Thai Volubilis dictionary (Eng-Tha) |
VolubilisEnTh.lsd |
3 776 270
Freelang English-Thai Dictionary (Eng-Tha) |
eng-tha_freelang_we_2_0_dsl… |
19 473
Freelang Thai-English Dictionary (Tha-Eng) |
tha-eng_freelang_we_2_0_dsl… |
14 590
JTDict (Jpn-Tha) |
jpn-tha_JTDict_1_0.zip |
9 310 328
LEXiTRON English-Thai Dictionary (Eng-Tha) |
eng_tha_lexitron_du_v01.rar |
1 639 869
LEXiTRON Thai-English Dictionary (Tha-Eng) |
tha_eng_lexitron_du_v01.rar |
2 080 611
Pleang Na Nakorn Dictionary (Tha-Tha) |
tha-tha_PleangNaNakorn_1_0-… |
1 252 709
Royal Institute Dictionary (Tha-Tha) |
RoyalInstituteThTh.lsd |
2 065 643
Royal Institute Thai-Thai Dictionary (mod.) (Tha-Tha) |
RoyalInstituteThTh.lsd |
2 884 658
Royal Institute Thai-Thai Dictionary (Tha-Tha) |
RoyalInstituteOriginalThTh.lsd |
2 339 703
Sdict English-Thai Dictionary (Eng-Tha) |
eng-tha_Sdict_we_1_02_dsl.rar |
1 033 043
Thai - English LEXiTRON™ dictionary v. 2 (Tha-Eng) |
LexitronThEn.lsd |
5 299 767
Thai - English SEASite's dictionary (Tha-Eng) |
SEAsiteThEn.lsd |
38 691 834
Thai - English Buddhist dictionary (Tha-Eng) |
tha-eng_Buddhist_1_0.zip |
67 587
Thai - English Dictionary of the names of plants, flowers, trees and herbs (Tha-Eng) |
Plants_ThEn.lsd |
74 927
Thai - Thai Abbreviations dictionary (Tha-Tha) |
tha-tha_Abbrev_1_0-GD.zip |
43 037
Thai Nicknames Dictionary (Tha-Tha) |
tha-tha_Nicknames_1_0-GD.zip |
22 291
Thai to Khmer dictionary • AIO (Tha-Khm) |
tha-khm_Khmer-AIO_1_0.zip |
115 297
Thai-Chinese Dict2U dictionary (Tha-Zho) |
tha-zho_Dict2U_1_0-GD.zip |
609 757
Thai-English Volubilis dictionary (Tha-Eng) |
VolubilisThEn.lsd |
7 140 276
The Pāli Thai Dictionary of Buddhist Terms (Pli-Tha) |
pli-tha_BuddhistTerms.zip |
207 220
TumCivil еngineering dictionary (Eng-Tha) |
TumCivilEnTh_1_0.rar |
1 095 467
Volubilis dictionary (Tha-Eng) |
VolubilisThEn.lsd |
1 785 198
Volubilis dictionary (Tha-Fra) |
VolubilisThFr.lsd |
1 304 307
Английско-тайский словарь названий растений (Eng-Tha) |
Plants_EnTh.lsd |
104 195
Русско-тайский разговорник с аудиопримерами (Rus-Tha) |
phrasebookruthai_digoro_2_0… |
10 638
Русско-тайский словарь (Rus-Tha) |
rus_thai_di_1_0.rar |
37 229
Русско-тайский словарь (для изучения языка)(Tha-Rus) |
isaa_ru_th.lsd |
22 646 119
Русско-тайский словарь еды (Rus-Tha) |
FoodRuTh.lsd |
25 318
Русско-Тайский учебный словарь БЕТА (Rus-Tha) |
RussianThai.lsd |
119 439 846
Словарь произношений к тайско-русскому словарю (Tha-Tha) |
PhoneticListThTh.lsd |
55 000
Словарь Фонетического поиска слов к Тайско-русскому словарю (Tha-Rus) |
PhoneticThai.lsd |
19 924 125
Тайско-английский словарь названий растений (Tha-Eng) |
Plants_ThEn.lsd |
74 927
Тайско-русский словарь (Tha-Rus) |
thai_rus_di_2_0.rar |
68 113