Все словари для ABBYY Lingvo®


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A Pocket Lexicon to the Greek New Testament by Alexander Souter (Grc-Eng) grc-eng_PocketLexGreekNT_v1… 301 438
Analytical Lexicon of the Greek New Testament (Grc-Eng) grc-eng_AnLex-NT_1_1-GD.zip 983 265
Arabic - Greek dictionary • SW (Ara-Ell) ara-ell_Arabic-SW_1_0.zip 177 512
Arkhaias Vasiko (Grc-Ell) grc-ell_vasiko_yz_0_9_dsl.7Z 41 954
Babylon English-Greek (Eng-Ell). Babylon Greek-English (Ell-Eng) en-gr-en_babylon_ilhs-an_1_… 1 939 411
Babylon Greek-Finnish Glossary (Ell-Fin) ell-fin_GreekSuomi_1_1-GD.zip 621 220
Cypriot Greek Lexikon (Ell-Ell) ell-ell_kypriako_1_0.zip 387 693
Dialektos Kombotiou (Ell-Ell) ell-ell_kompoti_yz_1_0_dsl.rar 28 748
Dialektos Korinfias (Ell-Ell) ell-ell_korinthias_yz_1_0_d… 38 188
Diccionari grec-catal'a per Theophilos Vamvakos (Ell-Cat) ell-cat_Catalan_1_0.zip 138 803
Diccionario Griego-Español / Ελληνο-Ισπανικο Λεξικο (Ell-Spa) gr-es_pm_v1.0.rar 32 051
Dictionnaire grec-français (Ell-Fra) el-fr_liturgique.rar 76 128
Dictionnaire grec-français du Nouveau Testament (Grc-Fra) grc-fra_NT_Fontaine_1_0-GD.zip 157 396
English - Arabic - Greek dictionary • NC (Eng-Ara-Ell) eng-ara-ell_Greek-NC_1_0.zip 1 445 850
English - Greek Technical Dictionary (Eng-Ell) eng-ell_Technical_1_0-GD.zip 1 386 198
English Greek dictionary • JD (Eng-Ell) eng-ell_Greek-JD_1_0.zip 1 173 397
English-Modern Greek Dictionary (Eng-Ell) eng-ell_Modern-Greek_1_1-GD… 317 730
Etymological Dictionary of Greek (Grc-Eng) Etymological Dictionary of … 2 679 748
Forvo Ancient-Greek dictionary (Grc-Grc) ForvoAncientGreek.dsl 20 101 677
Glossaries of Philosophical Terms (Ell-Eng-Ell) ell-eng_philosophical_terms… 72 184
Greek English Dictionary JD (Grc-Eng) grc-eng_Greek-JD_1_0.zip 808 292
Greek Etymological Dictionary (Grc-Eng) grc-eng_ged_or_1_dsl.rar 4 778 325
Greek Slang (Ell-Ell) ell_greekslang.zip 78 313
Greek-English Lexicon (Grc-Eng) grc-eng_l&s_greek-english l… 32 142 041
Greek-English Lexicon by John Jeffrey Dodson (Grc-Eng) grc-eng_Dodson_v1_0.zip 144 631
Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature (Grc-Eng) bdag.7z 2 777 281
Greek-English Lexicon To The New Testament by William Greenfield (Grc-Eng) grc-en_NTLexicon_1_0.zip 812 257
Greek-Greek Meteorological Lexicon (Ell-Ell) ell_meteorologic.rar 41 353
Greek-Latin Bird Name Dictionary. Compiled by Dhimitris Lithoksou (Ell-Lat) ell_lat_birds_1_0.zip 65 898
Greek-Pashto dictionary (Ell-Pus) ell_pus_qamosona_tm_v01.rar 1 257 307
Griechisch-Deutsch-Wörterbuch (Ell-Deu) ell-de_Woertebuch_1_0.zip 365 240
Hebrew/Aramaic Index to the Septuagint (Heb-Grc) HEB-LXX INDEX.dsl 1 898 286
Homeric Dictionary (Grc-Eng) grc-eng_HomericDictionary_2… 753 270
Iordanidu – Ta rimata (Ell-Ell) ell-ell_rimata_yz_1_1_dsl.rar 153 308
KD English-Greek Dictionary (eng-ell) KDEnEl.lsd 2 149 465
Khristiko Lexiko (Ell-Ell) ell-ell_khristiko_yz_1_1_ds… 8 350 483
Koini Neoelliniki (Ell-Ell) ell-ell_triantafyl_yz_1_4_d… 6 946 593
Lexica Segueriana (Grc-Grc) Segueriana-1.0.tar.xz 295 836
Lexicon to Pindar (Grc-Eng) grc-eng_lexicon_to_pindar_o… 1 931 893
Lexotypo (Ell-Ell) ell-ell_lexotypo_yz_1_0_dsl… 674 584
Liddel & Scott Intermediate (Grc-Ell) grc-ell_LSJ_Abridged.zip 3 910 180
Lust. Lexicon for LXX / Люст. Словарь для Семидесяти (Grc-Eng) Lüst.7z 614 308
Mείζoν Eλληνικό Λεξικό / Большой греческий толковый словарь (Ell-Ell) ell-ell_MeizonElliniko_1_0-… 4 627 629
Oron Pliroforikis (Ell-Ell) ell-ell_comp_mix_yz_1_0_dsl… 665 523
PONS Woerterbuch Deutsch-Griechisch (Deu-Ell) ell-deu-ell_pons_an_1_0.zip 7 048 653
PONS Woerterbuch Griechisch-Deutsch (Ell-Deu) ell-deu-ell_pons_an_1_0.zip 7 048 653
Slangopedia (Eng-Ell) eng-ell_Slangopedia_1_0.zip 51 872
Strong dictionary of New Testament (Grc-Eng) grc-eng_NT-Strong_v1_1.zip 193 045
Tapsis' French-Greek dictionary (Fra-Ell) fra-ell_Tapsis_1_0-GD.zip 143 191
Universal (Ell-Rus) UniversalElRu.lsd 447 701

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