Все словари для ABBYY Lingvo®

Dictionary of Sexology • Compiled by G. F. Pranzarone, Ph.D. (Eng-Eng)

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Описание:  The following entries represent the initial version (v. 1.0) of an online dictionary of terms for phenomena in sexuality, gender, and reproduction. Most all of these terms appear in scientific and academic reference sources in the areas of psychology, medicine, genetics, sociology, anthropology and biology. Many of these terms were coined by and first used in the writings of sexologist and psychoendocrinologist Dr. John Money, Professor emeritus in Medical Pediatrics of the Johns Hopkins Hospital Medical School and now head of the Johns Hopkins University Psychohormonal Research Unit. Consequently, the foundation of the present sexological glossary/dictionary is taken from the extensive glossaries contained in the following books by John Money: John Money (1986). Lovemaps: Clinical Concepts of Sexual/Erotic Health and Pathology, Paraphilia, and Gender Transposition of Childhood, Adolescence, and Maturity. Irvington Publishers; ISBN: 0829015892.
 • John Money and Margaret Lamacz (Contributor) (1989). Vandalized Lovemaps: Paraphilic Outcome of Seven Cases in Pediatric Sexology. Prometheus Books; ISBN: 087975513X.
 • John Money (1990). Gay, Straight, and In-Between: The Sexology of Exotic Orientation. Oxford University Press (Trade); ISBN: 0195063317.
• NB! Version for GoldenDict (UTF-8)
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