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Glossary of Biotechnology FAO (Eng-Eng)

Имя файла и его размер:
735 452
Описание:This Glossary of biotechnology for food and agriculture is a revised and augmented version of the Glossary of biotechnology and genetic engineering published by FAO in 1999. It provides a consolidated, comprehensive, up-to-date and accessible list of terms and acronyms that are used regularly in biotechnology and its application to food and agriculture. It is intended to provide a convenient reference source for researchers, students and technicians, particularly those whose native language is not English. The Glossary can also be of value in discussions at intergovernmental level.
Источник:Glossary of Biotechnology for Food and Agriculture - A Revised and Augmented Edition of the Glossary of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering
◘ http://www.fao.org/docrep/004/y2775e/y2775e00.htm
Заголовков:3212 / 3212
Наличие иконки:Имеется
Условия получения:Free

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