Все словари для ABBYY Lingvo®

Webster's Gazetteer (Eng-Eng)

Имя файла и его размер:
eng-eng_Webster's Gazetteer_shrekello.rar
154 582
Описание:This section lists all of the more important political divisions and geographical features of the world, and all the urban localities in the United States and Canada having a population of 15,000 or more. The population figures given for places in the United States are from the census of 1990; those for Canada are from the census of 1976. All other population figures are from the latest available official censuses or official estimates, usually 1990. Maps of virtually all countries and of other important geographical features may be found in the main section of this dictionary at the appropriate alphabetic place of entry.
Заголовков:2815 / 2815
Наличие иконки:Имеется
Условия получения:Free

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